If you missed it or just want to relive it, here's a full recap of the episode with candid observations and pics/gifs of the best moments!
The episode starts off with Max, Tom, Siva and Jay all still in The Bahamas, and poor Nathan packing up his bag to head back to the U.S. to get emergency throat surgery.
We find it adorable that Nathan loves his mom so much!

It's the day of Nathan's surgery and it hasn't really hit us that it's happening. He's getting a serious operation on his instrument that makes his career!
We didn't really realize it was so serious until we saw the IV...

Because The Wanted guys are so amazing, the guys decide to cut their trip short and give Nathan a surprise visit after his surgery.
Nathan's surgery went well and the guys all get to go into the post-op room and give him hugs and kisses.
Probably one of the most heartwarming moments in television history. Had us tearing up...

This moment kind of makes Jay think about the rest of their careers and he makes a very good point about success.

The Wanted perform their first gig without Nathan and an emptiness can be felt without him there.
Max sings Nathan's part and does a great job, but it's just not the same without him.

After finding out about Max getting the movie role he auditioned for, Tom and Jay have some drinks and talk about the possible futue of the band...

Neither do we!!!
The Wanted guys head to Scooter's office and we get a first listen to their brand-new single, "We Own The Night"! We're hooked and couldn't be more ready for it's release!
It sounds like a great song and an awesome jam to have on at a party.

After hearing the song, the guys all head back home to the U.K. and we're sad to see them leave us!
A couple months pass and The Wanted are set to perform at Wembley Stadium for the 2013 Summertime Ball in front of 86,000 people. They want this show to be huge!
Scooter surprises the guys with Nathan's return and how do they welcome him back? With a good ole' fashion tickle fight!

We find out Nathan's recovery is actually going really well and the decision needs to be made if he's going to perform at the Wembley concert.
With a little bit of thinking and a whole lot of guts, Nathan says he's ready.

We couldn't be any more ready!
It's finally the day of the big performance and The Wanted, minus Nathan, are backstage getting ready for the show.
Some other huge names are there and we get a glimpse of the guys dancing and goofing around with worldwide sensation, PSY!

This is it. The moment we've all been waiting for.
The Wanted hit the stage and perform their iconic song, "I Found You".

Without warning, to the surprise of 86,000 people in the stands, Nathan comes up from beneath the stage!
The stadium roars with surprise and delight, and it's truly his time to shine. Then the crowd almost goes silent...and then he hits us with it!
Nathan kills it and gives us one of the best performances we've ever seen!!

Just look at that intensity...
The crowd is crying, Nathan is crying, we're crying and it's so good to see him back!
The guys have an amazing show and they close it with a classic bow.

The Wanted are finally back together.
The guys all meet up for an after show party. They chat about their amazing performance, joke around in true Wanted fashion and finally all welcome Nathan back.
With some final words and some toasts to the band's future, the show comes to a close.

We'll miss you on our TVs, The Wanted. Thank you.