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Seeing as today is ThursJay, we figured it would be a good idea to let you guys know some 

information about the proposition we have for Jay's birthday... We've decided to call 

it#ProjectJaybird. Sorry for not coming up with something cooler :(

Jay is celebrating his 23rd birthday on the 24th of July and we wanted to come up with something that TW fans from all over the world can be a part of and make this a success! Its a relatively big concept and there are different components to it. You can choose to either be a part of all the components - or select the one/s that you are most comfortable with.


Record a birthday message for Jay (try and keep it under 30 seconds) saying whatever it is that you want to say... If English is not your first language, please record your message in your own language. We think it would be really awesome if the video clips could showcase the diversity of the TW Fanmily, whilst wishing Jay a happy birthday. 

We will take all the video clips that we get and put them into one birthday video for Jay. 
If you have YouTube - please upload the video onto your channel and tweet the link to@TWFanmilyDotCom 
Please contact us if you are not a YouTube user.

We'll be putting together a special virtual birthday book for Jay filled with all your messages and pictures. So all you have to write - is write a message for Jay.. Try and steer clear of the normal: "Happy Birthday Jay. Have a great day!" type of message. We're looking for relatively longish message - more than 100 words per message ;) 

You have the freedom to write whatever you want ;) You can either email your message through to or tweet the link to a TwitLonger to @TWFanmilyDotCom

Tweet (@TWFanmilyDotCom) us your favourite Jay pictures and we will put them all together in what could possibly be a really awesome collage :) 

Jay might have a thing about Skittles, so we want you guys to send us pictures of your Skittle art work or just a picture of yourself with Skittles... Use your imagination :) As long as there are Skittles involved - pretty much anything goes! Tweet your pictures to @TWFanmilyDotCom

If you have any other ideas of what we could add onto Project Jaybird - please let us know! We want as many people as possible involved and all input is appreciated.

We thought about this and decided to have ONE deadline for ALL submissions... This deadline is the 17th of July. This date has been selected so that a) we can get as many of you guys involved as possible and b) to ensure that we have sufficient time to put everything together to make sure Project Jaybird is a success! (Failure is never an option!)
Please help us spread the word and possibly make this a birthday that Jay won't forget for quite a while! We really want to get as many TW Fanmily peeps as possible involved. If you are interested in being a part - please either tweet @TWFanmilyDotCom so that we can an idea of how 'big' this thing may become, or leave a comment at the bottom of this post!

Jaybird is a legend and we want to make his birthday extra special - with your help ;)




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