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Nathan Sykes celebrates in the Bahamas

Postado por Danimara129

He might have been in the Bahamas for his birthday but Nathan Sykes was dealt a severe blow when he had to leave the trip early to have emergency throat surgery. 
The dramatic scenes can be seen on the singer's reality show The Wanted Life and the episode documents Nathan's reaction to the news. 

The 20-year-old singer was devastated when his birthday trip was cut short because of his damaged throat. 
The band had been thrilled when they were told they would be performing a set in the tropical destination, particularly because they would be celebrating Nathan's birthday. 

To get ready for the trip Jay decided to get spray tan but the other members of the band manage to convince the beauty therapists to make him extra dark. 
After several layers and sporting a mahogany tinge to his skin Jay wonders if he's gone too dark. - he decides to try and remove some of the tan by rolling around in the grass and jumping into the pool.

While the band were clearly excited at the prospect of their holiday Nathan was worried about his performance, given that he couldn't actually sing. 
He's worried that he won't be able to pull his weight and feels guilty about letting the side down. 

After touching down in the Bahamas Nathan is presented with a cake in the shape of a woman's cleavage and he decides to plunge his face into the dessert.

It seems the band's tactic to cheer him up is working and the group were also seen enjoying a swim with dolphins too. 

While the show goes well Nathan is forced to mime his parts and he has to call his doctor - but isn't given the news he was hoping for. 

Understandably the singer is left devastated and his band mates try to cheer him up.

While Nathan is learning bad news Max is getting some great news - he gets a call to tell him he's been picked for a film role. 

While he's really excited he decides to hold off from saying something to the group, given Nathan's worrying news.

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