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Show Me Love (America)

We Own The Night

Walks Like Rihanna

I Found You (Fan Version)

Jay McGuiness dating?

Reporter: Danimara129 0 Responses

Será???? Essa loira que foi vista esses dias saindo da balada com Jay esta acompanhando pela tour na Europa.. Ela foi vista no ônibus na tour.. Em Berlin junto aos meninos... SERA???? 

Bjs Dani


Backstage: The Wanted para Bravo na Alemanha #photoshoot #TWinGermany

Reporter: Danimara129


Max George: Harry Styles can date my mom

Reporter: Danimara129

Max George would be happy if his mother went out with One Direction heartthrob Harry Styles.
Max George thinks Harry Styles would be a "really good catch" for his mother.
One Direction heartthrob Harry has a reputation for romancing older ladies. Despite an on-going feud between the two British boybands, Max would be quite happy if Harry ever struck up a relationship with his own mom.
"See, I think Harry's really cool, so I think he'd be a really good catch. I wouldn't mind," he told British magazine Heat. "He'd have done well for himself, though."
Max's bandmate Jay McGuiness wasn't so enamoured with the idea though, adding: "I don't think my mum would be interested."


Nathan Sykes: They cut sex scenes from 'The Wanted Life'

Reporter: Danimara129

Nathan Sykes has revealed sex scenes were caught on camera for the group's show, "The Wanted Life," but had to be cut out of the episodes. The guys are known as a rather rebellious, rambunctious and wild bunch compared to the current crop of boy bands, and their series on E! is visual proof. Just a few episodes into the season, the group has already been seen throwing all-night parties in their Hollywood pad. One thing that has not and will never make it on air are the raunchy acts caught on film.


Max George revela queda por uma das Kardashians

Reporter: Danimara129

Max contou qual mamãe famosa o interessa…


June, 26th 2013 #WantedWednesday - Hej Norway!

Reporter: Danimara129



Reporter: Danimara129


Seeing as today is ThursJay, we figured it would be a good idea to let you guys know some 

information about the proposition we have for Jay's birthday... We've decided to call 

it#ProjectJaybird. Sorry for not coming up with something cooler :(

Jay is celebrating his 23rd birthday on the 24th of July and we wanted to come up with something that TW fans from all over the world can be a part of and make this a success! Its a relatively big concept and there are different components to it. You can choose to either be a part of all the components - or select the one/s that you are most comfortable with.


Jay McGuiness leaves club with blonde woman while Max George goes home alone 06/24

Reporter: Danimara129
Role reversal! 
Max George ends up with the girl Jay McGuiness had his eye on.
But as the pair went clubbing in London on Monday night, it looked like Jay, 22, had the ladies man title.
Leaving the Rose Club, the curly-haired singer was followed into a taxi by a blonde clubber, while Max, 24, cut a more lonely figure.

Ladies man: Jay McGuiness leaves a night club with a blonde girl following him towards his cab

Ladies man: Jay McGuiness leaves a night club with a blonde girl following him towards his cab
Wearing a blue plaid shirt open with a white T-shirt underneath and black skinny jeans finished off with a white-soled pair of trainers, Jay kept his head down as he made his way into a taxi.


The Wanted revela detalhes da música que Justin Bieber escreveu

Reporter: Danimara129

Justin Bieber foi confirmado entre os nomes de artistas que estarão em colaborações do próximo álbum da boyband, The Wanted. Nesta segunda-feira (24), a MTV News UK divulgou novos trechos da entrevista realizada com um dos integrantes da banda, Nathan Sykes, que contou mais detalhes sobre a colaboração com Justin. Confira matéria publicada:

No início deste mês, o rapazes revelaram a MTV News UK que já haviam trabalhado com Bieber - assim como Rita Ora - em seu próximo LP, e Nathan explicou como surgiu a colaboração com Justin.


The Wanted: We’re always late now that Nathan Sykes is back in the band

Reporter: Danimara129

We’re always late now that Nathan Sykes is back in the band but we’re happy to have him

Max George revealed that while it’s good to have Nathan Sykes back in the band they now have to get used to always being late again as the youngster is ‘not a morning person.’

The 24-year-old told Guilty Pleasures: ‘It’s lovely having him back but we’re always late now. Today we were 45 minutes late because he takes the longest to get ready.

‘He’s definitely not a morning person.’



Reporter: Danimara129
 Tom Parker

In case you didn't know, one of our fave pop fivesomes (this could all get a bit controversial) are hitting our tellyboxes tonight in the first episode of their brand spanking new E! reality show The Wanted Life. Yup - Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Tom Parker, Jay McGuiness and Nathan Sykes will be getting up to loads of hashtag lad banter on our screens - and guess what? They invited us bowling earlier this afternoon to celebrate. Hooray.

Now we're never ones to turn down the opportunity to recreate Justin Bieber's 'Baby' video alongside Nathy Pie and Co. (or a free mini burger) - so we popped along to get all the latest on the lads' reality show.

As well as embarassing ourselves in some ill-fitting bowling shoes in front of the boys, we also managed to film our very own spin-off show (ingeniously called The (Un)Wanted Life). Yup - apparently we're big time directors now, and as part of the whole 'process' we learnt:

1. Tom Parker's a bit rubbish at bowling. But he can walk like Rihanna.

2. Siva Kaneswaran is quite good at bowling. And has new hair.

3. Nathan Sykes' voice is 70% better. And he's still approximately 100% fit.

4. Max George nearly drowned 'cause he was a bit silly.

5. Jay McGuiness doesn't think you should watch The Wanted Life (read: he actually really does).

We're just completely bowled over. Ahem.



Entrevista Exclusiva - Ryan Seacrest com The Wanted na @eonlinebrasil em Agosto

Reporter: Danimara129

Entrevista exclusiva de Ryan Seacrest com os meninos do The Wanted vai ao ar no Brasil no domingo, 04 de Agosto!


VIDEO complete: The Wanted Life | Livestream Hangout Q&A #TWLHangout

Reporter: Danimara129


The Wanted - Google+ #Hangout June 24th 8pm UK Time NOW

Reporter: Danimara129


Nesta segunda-feira, 24, é dia de estreia de The Wanted Life no Reino Unido e, para comemorar, que tal um chat ao vivo com os gatos? Hoje, às 16h, a banda participará de uma entrevista com perguntas feitas pelos próprios fãs!

Durante uma hora, os meninos responderão perguntas de fãs, que já foram selecionadas antecipadamente, sendo que dez destas são aqui da América Latina. Ou seja, tem pergunta brasileira por aí. Além disso, os gatos vão cantar um trecho do novo single Walks Like Rihanna (veja o clipe aqui).


Screencaps: The Wanted for Fabulous #photoshoot

Reporter: Danimara129


'You guys are awesome! "Michelle Obama says of The Wanted

Reporter: Danimara129
Gobsmacked: The Wanted were left stunned when Michelle Obama revealed she's a big fan in the latest episode of their reality show

They've got their fair share of celebrity fans.
But The Wanted were left gobsmacked when America's First Lady Michelle Obama revealed that she's a huge fan of the boyband.
The group met Mrs Obama after travelling to Washington D.C. to perform in front of the President and First Lady at the White House in scenes shown in the latest episode of their E! reality show The Wanted Life.

Gobsmacked: The Wanted were left stunned when Michelle Obama revealed she's a big fan in the latest episode of their reality show


The Wanted And Michelle Obama

Reporter: Danimara129

"Meeting Michelle Obama with thewanted. One of the most memorable moments I've ever had."
by @nanotissera 


The Wanted in North East Live 06/22

Reporter: Danimara129


The Wanted:"Glad You Came" - VG Lista in Oslo, Norway #TWinNorway

Reporter: Danimara129


Video: The Wanted - Decisions: Fingers vs. Thumbs

Reporter: Danimara129


Backstage: The Wanted at VG Lista #videos

Reporter: Danimara129


VIDEOS: The Wanted: "Walks Like Rihanna" - VG Lista in Oslo, Norway #TWinNorway

Reporter: Danimara129

Irina Dolgikh


Nathan Sykes outside the ITV Studios

Reporter: Danimara129


The Wanted: VG Lista in Oslo, Norway #TWinNorway #photos

Reporter: Danimara129


The Wanted in UK 06/20

Reporter: Danimara129


Video: Jay McGuiness and Max George - Newsnight

Reporter: Danimara129


FanPics: The Wanted June

Reporter: Danimara129


Max George and Lucy Mecklenburgh ‘sending flirty texts’ to each other @lucy_meck

Reporter: Danimara129

Max George and Lucy Mecklenburgh have reportedly been sending flirty text messages to each other over the past few weeks.

According to The Mirror, The Wanted singer and TOWIE star have been flirting up a storm after he managed to get hold of her number.

A source told the paper: “Max got hold of Lucy’s number and the two of them have been sending flirty messages to each other.


Photoshoot: The Wanted for Fabulous by Mark Hayman

Reporter: Danimara129

wanted7 wanted6


Making Off: The Wanted for 'Fabulous Magazine' Photoshoot 2013 #video

Reporter: Danimara129



Fabulous Magazine - The Wanted: Dead or alive?

Reporter: Danimara129

Really, we should’ve known. Scheduling a cover shoot with pop’s naughtiest boy band the day after they’ve been out on the lash following a big Wembley gig perhaps wasn’t a genius move.

Max George, 24, is suffering the most, having eventually called it a night at a time when most people were starting work. If appearances were sound effects, his would be a pained groan.
Jay McGuiness, 22, decides that the only sensible solution is to drink more beer and therefore orders a pint from the studio’s bar shortly after arriving. When it’s his turn in front of the camera, his attention span lasts only for spurts of approximately six seconds.
Looking through the bleary eyed group shots later, he grimaces before joking: “Lads, lads. I am so, so sorry. I think you should find someone else to be in the boy band.”
It might sound like a nightmare (and we expect it probably is most of the time for the band’s beleaguered looking management team), but even through the haze of hangovers and pallid complexions, The Wanted are great fun to be around.


Max George jokes about becoming a daddy in seven months’

Reporter: Danimara129
Max George jokes about soon becoming a daddy

Max George has joked that he could be a daddy in seven months’ time – after entertaining a female friend in his bedroom in The Wanted’s plush US mansion.

In the very first episode of the band’s new fly-on-the-wall show, The Wanted Life, Max is seen taking a pretty female into his love chamber.

And when asked if he regrets his actions – given that they are being shown on the show for all to see – he replied: ‘Do I have any regrets? Well, she hasn’t rang me with any news, so… no news is good news in my book.’


The Wanted: Premiere The Wanted Life in UK

Reporter: Danimara129
The Wanted: We have loads of 'career-ruining' photos

The boys at the premiere party of "The Wanted Life" in the UK 


Glow In The Dark

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Nós do Proud Prisoners não possuímos nenhuma ligação com qualquer meio que envolva diretamente a banda The Wanted ou qualquer um de seus interantes. Somos um fãblog dedicado a Banda. Feito com amor, carinho e dedicação de fã para fã. Postamos informações para alegrar a todos e gostaríamos que se você for usar quaisquer que seja a informação deste site, nos dê os devidos créditos. Staffs Proud Prisoners


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