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The Wanted's new song 'Walks Like Rihanna' was given its first play on Capital today (29th April), with fans hailing it as "perfect".

1. Phresh off the runway.

2. Really enjoying my walking today. The Wanted wrote a song about it.

The song got us thinking about what might have inspired Jay, Max, Nathan, Siva and Tom in the studio, so join Capital as we round up some of our favourite walks like Rihanna!
(via gomezperfected)

3. Yeah man!

4. Doing some sideways walking today.

(via trashionchicinsider)

5. Just gonna moonwalk away from Nicki Minaj.

6. I flick my hair when I walk, I flick my hair when I walk.

7. The blondes have more fun walk.

8. The how to make getting a glass of water look sexy walk.

(via rihannagifs)

9. Do you really think I'm going to walk down there?

(via no1reluhvant)

10. Seriously, that's enough walking for one day.

Rihanna walking goodness!

The Wanted's new single 'Walks Like Rihanna' is the first track to be taken from their forthcoming new album and is released in June.

Their E! Reality TV series The Wanted Life premieres in the UK, US and around the world this summer.

Capital FM

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Nós do Proud Prisoners não possuímos nenhuma ligação com qualquer meio que envolva diretamente a banda The Wanted ou qualquer um de seus interantes. Somos um fãblog dedicado a Banda. Feito com amor, carinho e dedicação de fã para fã. Postamos informações para alegrar a todos e gostaríamos que se você for usar quaisquer que seja a informação deste site, nos dê os devidos créditos. Staffs Proud Prisoners


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