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Playing it cool: The Wanted's Jay McGuiness tried on a pair of boob glasses as the band landed in Washington DC on Sunday

They might have been on their way to meet the most important family in America, but that didn't mean that The Wanted were going to start behaving themselves.

The British boyband larked around as they touched down in Washington DC on Sunday ahead of the White House Easter Egg Roll, with Jay McGuiness wearing a pair of boob glasses through the airport.
The cheeky singer certainly wasn't trying to go incognito as he put on the novelty eye-wear, which had been given to him by a waiting fan.

Laughing and joking with each other, the boys were clearly in high spirits, culminating in cheeky Jay accepting the glasses from a fan and trying them on in front of everyone.
Finding the whole situation hilarious, Tom Parker laughed and pointed at his friend as they got caught by the waiting photographers.
Greeted upon arrival by a number of screaming fans, the boys looked like they were taking it all in their stride, dressing down and looking relaxed.

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Glow In The Dark

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