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Backstage: The Wanted 'Chelsea Lately'

Postado por Danimara129

We know what the cast of Chelsea Lately is doing right this second. Filming a segment for tonight's show with the guys of The Wanted, no biggie. Max, Siva, Tom, and Jay are on the show tonight to promote the June 2 premiere of The Wanted Life on E!, and instead of just posting the first look pics like we've done for past guests on Chelsea's show, is going a step further by having two of the show's funniest writers—Sarah Colonna and Jiffy Wild—send us exclusive pics from backstage. Talk about behind-the-scenes, eh?

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Glow In The Dark

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Nós do Proud Prisoners não possuímos nenhuma ligação com qualquer meio que envolva diretamente a banda The Wanted ou qualquer um de seus interantes. Somos um fãblog dedicado a Banda. Feito com amor, carinho e dedicação de fã para fã. Postamos informações para alegrar a todos e gostaríamos que se você for usar quaisquer que seja a informação deste site, nos dê os devidos créditos. Staffs Proud Prisoners


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