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How could you Siva!  Not our beloved The Wanted Life?!

As we sit here with our used box of tissues that we named Nariana, (then swiftly changes to TW Sobfest '14) feeling our *still* fresh loss of The Wanted, Siva had to go and bring all our old feelings to the surface once again!

The cheekboned one has admitted that he blames the boys' reality show The Wanted Life for the troubles causing their recent split. Whaaaaat?! Surely hangin' out with your mates would just bring you closer together.

But appaz not. 

Talking to American mag In Touch, Sivs said, "It caused problems. We kind of lost our sense of team. It became every man for themselves. I want them to be happy in whatever they do. I support them 100 per cent."

C'mon, you're beaking our hearts over here.

The lads have been bickering all over the place recently with Max throwing it out there that he blames 'personal lives' for breaking the boys apart and Siva hitting back that he is being 'unfair'.

Wah! Just stop all of this boys and get back together. We demand it.

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Glow In The Dark

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