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You might know Siva Kaneswaran as one of the heartthrobs making beautiful five-part harmony in The Wanted. You might not know about the 25 year-old Irishman’s other career as a model. Signed when he was 16, Kaneswaran actually made a living as a model alongside his twin brother until he joined the boy band. He’s also a keen follower of couture, often spotted front-row at London and New York men’s fashion weeks.

While Kaneswaran (and his insanely chiseled cheekbones) were in town recently, we grabbed him for a random chat about all things fashion:

What’s the best piece of fashion advice you’ve ever received? 
“Never wear more than three colours if you’re wearing a suit.”

Do you approve of men carrying bags?
“I think it depends on the bag, but oh man, it’s difficult. Maybe, like, a satchel? If you have a bag that looks too feminine, I wouldn't go for it. I’d go for Louis Vuitton—I wouldn't go for anything else. I’ve got a Louis Vuitton wallet too, so I’d put the wallet in the bag.”

What about men in shorts?
“I think men should wear them on the cusp of the knee. If it goes too high, then it just doesn’t look right. I like my shorts below the knee lately, when I’m walking on the beach. It’s much more casual. But if a nice pair of D&G shorts come along, and they’re beautiful and above the knee, try and hold me back.”

If your house was on fire, and you could only save one piece of clothing, what would it be?
“Oh my God, don't do this to me! There’s this shirt I have, which I love, by a Korean designer called D.Gnak. It’s double collar and the shirt goes long, with a penguin tail to it. The shirt is beautiful. Every time I put it on, it’s so light and airy and it just looks so expensive.” 

What fashion item, in all of history, do you covet most?
“I’d go for the old school 1940s Louis Vuitton chest, that just opens and opens, and there’s all these compartments. The older it gets, the better it looks.”

You’re engaged! Do you have any thoughts on what you’d like your fiancé to wear down the aisle?
“Whatever she’s comfortable in. I do prefer strapless fitted corset and draping down the side. I like the details in a dress—I love embroidered dresses.” 

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