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Max George with Lawson's Ryan Fletcher at Justin Timberlake's O2

Max George was also in attendance and a source told MailOnline that he could be heard talking about his future.
The source said: ‘He said he will  be getting to work in the studio soon. He made it clear he didn’t have any set plans but he expects he will have sessions with and without other the wanted band members.
‘He was keen to talk about any future in acting though, saying he didn’t want to shoot himself in the foot.’

Good spirits: Ashley enjoyed a Pina Colada in the Malibu Rum suite during the gig

Max also opened about Justin Bieber, who shares his manager Scooter Braun, according to our source.
‘Max said he didn’t know what's going on with Justin but he has good people around him,  in particular he seemed sure that Scooter would help him with any issues he had.’

Strike a pose: Kimberley enjoyed a drink while posing for a picture

Mover and shaker: Justin, who is known for his ability to dance, pulled off some shapes

The show concluded Justin’s final European show and clearly excited about it, he tweeted: ‘Who's ready to close out this Euro leg of #JT2020Tour with me and @THETNKIDS?!!! LET'S GO LONDON!!!!!!!!’

A spokesperson for Ashley and Ryan have been contacted for comment. 

Dapper: The audience no doubt loved the singer's smart appearance as well as of course his singing

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