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the wanted tom parker car accident 05

the wanted tom parker car accident 01

the wanted tom parker car accident 02

Tom Parker gets out of his car to talk to a police officer after a minor car accident on Monday (June 9) in London, England.

the wanted tom parker car accident 03

The 25-year-old Wanted singer seemed to be OK, but a motorcycle was knocked over next to his black Mercedes.

the wanted tom parker car accident 04

Just jared jr
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Glow In The Dark

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Nós do Proud Prisoners não possuímos nenhuma ligação com qualquer meio que envolva diretamente a banda The Wanted ou qualquer um de seus interantes. Somos um fãblog dedicado a Banda. Feito com amor, carinho e dedicação de fã para fã. Postamos informações para alegrar a todos e gostaríamos que se você for usar quaisquer que seja a informação deste site, nos dê os devidos créditos. Staffs Proud Prisoners


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