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Jay McGuinness makes a duckface in Australia.

We NEVER thought we'd say this, but turns out it IS in fact possible for a guy to look bangin' while making the dreaded (yet now iconic, thanks to the Kardashians) duckface! (You know, that face you make when you're trying to look hot by pursing your lips? Aka Selena Gomez's favorite expression? And Carly Rae Jepsen's? Sometimes fondly referred to as the kissy face?) And that person, my friends, is The Wanted's Jay McGuiness! I mean, can you say, "accentuated MANLY JAW"?!

Jay and the rest of the "Walks Like Rihanna" singers were snapped arriving at the Melbourne airport, and just as you might expect, the entire band was immediately swarmed by frantic Wanted Stans. While Max, Siva, and the rest of the gang posed for more, how shall we say, traditional fan photos, Jay took a different approach with a full-on duckface/kissy face! Now, while Selena, Carly, and the Kardashians probably all do the duckface on purpose, we have a sneaking suspicion that Jay was mocking the move, not embracing it. Either way, WATCH OUT KARDASHIANS! There's a new duckface in town, and it is PROFESSIONAL!

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Glow In The Dark

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